You can log into our website or app to complete the application online or, if you prefer to submit your application by mail or email, please click the button above to download a PDF. The PDF will include instructions for completing and submitting the package. If you need help, please reach out to our Homeowner Assistance Team at 866-760-5561 or email us. We are eager to support you!
Here is a step-by-step overview of the process and what to expect:
To upload a document, click the dots to the right of the document name and the option to upload will appear.
Click Upload, find the document in the device you are using, and upload the document.
Look for the system to indicate the document uploaded successfully.
Once all required document is uploaded, the Your Documents section will reflect pending review.
Once Your Status Tracker moves to Final Decision Pending, you can expect to be notified of the decision and, if applicable, receive a final agreement for your signature at least 15 days prior to the effective date of your loan modification.
You have the option to download and review the documents if needed.
Once you select eSign, you will view the screen with the electronic delivery consent.
Click the checkbox showing “I have read and understood…” disclosure and, if you agree, choose I agree.
Note: In some cases, you may be prompted to contact our Homeowner Assistance Team for information or assistance. Please reach out to us via the information above – we are eager to serve you!